CIT-003:  Web Based Technologies and Multimedia Applications

By Prof. P. V. Suresh   |   Indira Gandhi National Open University
Learners enrolled: 6372
One of the major uses of Computers is in facilitating communication of secure information over the Internet. One of the major developments in this respect is the World Wide Web (WWW) - also called simply the Web. The WWW have made major inroads in development of web based communities, collaboration, services and applications such as social networking sites, video sharing sites, wikis, blogs etc. Today many technologies and services are available through the Internet. Internet has caused permeation of information at grass root level. This course discusses about various technologies that are the basis of Internet on which the WWW and other services like e-mail, messenger etc.  Have been developed. One of the key issues discussed in this course include how to develop a simple web page and web site. With the enhancement of communication bandwidth, better applications involving multimedia have been developed. Therefore, this course also discusses about multimedia applications.

Course Credit: 4
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Computer Science and Engineering
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 15 Jul 2020
End Date :
Enrollment Ends : 10 Jan 2021
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout


Week-1: Internet : An Overview
Week-2: Concepts of Web Browser
Week-3: Internet Search
Week-4: What can we do using Internet


Week-5: Introduction to HTML
      Tools for Web Page Designing
Week-6: Designing of Frames and Forms


Week-7: An Overview of Multimedia
Week-8: Multimedia Design, Production and Distribution
Week-9: Applications of Multimedia
Week-10: Distributed Environment
Week-11: Multimedia Authoring Tools (Part-1)

Week-12: Multimedia Authoring Tools (Part-2)

Books and references

IGNOU Study Material of CIT-003(Web based Technologies and Multimedia Applications) that includes the following 3 blocks (http://www.egyankosh.ac.in/handle/123456789/618) :

Block-1 : Internet Concepts
Block-2 : Web Page Design
Block-3 : Introduction to Multimedia

Instructor bio

Prof. P. V. Suresh

Indira Gandhi National Open University
With School of Computer and Information Sciences (SOCIS) of IGNOU since 1997 currently designated as Professor. Part of Virtual Campus Initiative of SOCIS as Course Coordinator wherein IGNOU launched its first online programmes, namely, BIT (Bachelor in Information Technology) and ADIT (Advanced Diploma in Information Technology) in Trimester mode. Developed content for C++ (a capsule course) and Internet Awareness (a capsule course). Designed first IGNOU Website under the guidance of SOCIS Senior Faculty Akshay Kumar. Acted as resource person for Corporate training in C++ and other technologies at SOCIS. Also, acted as resource person for IT TRAP wherein all staff of IGNOU including higher authorities were trained in ICT Skills. Deployed online tools for interaction with learners. Initiated technology enabled services which enabled direct communication between departments of IGNOU across the Country with Learners across the Country. Played significant role in the implementation of Mobile enabled CFE (Certificate Programme in Functional English) where IGNOU collaborated with Nokia. Part of Joint Coordination Committee of IGNOU and Nokia. Also, part of Joint Coordination Committee of IGNOU and Ericcson. Principal Investigator of IGNOU-COL project on development of ICT Skills Courses. Delivered lectures in the area of Artificial Intelligence. 1 PhD awarded under my research guidance. Currently, guiding PhD Research Scholars in the area of Cloud Computing and Data Mining.

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