Brihajjatakam (बृहज्जातकम) : Falit Jyotish

Learners enrolled: 1629
Brihajjaatakam” is written by acharya Barahmihira in fifth century AD. It is divided (28) into Twenty eight chapters. It describes the impacts of planets on human from birth to death. The Grah yoga related to Job, Health, Disorders, Child, Marriage, and relations and many more are described in it. Mainly this book is famous for its scientific base. It is into syllabus in every Sanskrit university or college or jyotish department on master label with four credits. Through this work; the religious and cultural people of India and students and many others would get the authentic study material with graphs, e“xamples in their mother language with the help of high grade subject experts. The subject which is challenge for science from every aspect will be beneficial for students and research scholars. The method which is symbol of ceremony, culture, and eastern civilization will definitely provide a new direction to the world.

Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit Points : 4
Level : Postgraduate
Start Date : 15 Jul 2019
End Date : 30 Oct 2019
Exam Date : 09 Nov 2019 IST

Note: This exam date is subjected to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

सप्ताह एक

  1. ग्रन्थकार का परिचय एवं विषय प्रवेश
  2. राशि प्रभेद
  3. षड्वर्ग विचार

सप्ताह दो

  1. द्वादश भाव विचार एवं ग्रहों के पर्याय नाम
  2. ग्रह योनि प्रभेद विचार
  3. ग्रहों के स्वरूप एवं स्थानादि विचार

सप्ताह तीन

  1. ग्रहों के मित्रशत्रुसमविचार एवं ग्रहबल विचार
  2. वियोनिजन्मज्ञन एवं निषेककालज्ञान विधि
  3. गर्भक्षेम एवं सन्तति शुभाशुभत्व परिज्ञान

सप्ताह चार

  1. जन्मज्ञानविधि एवं जातक स्वरूपादि ज्ञान
  2. प्रसव स्थान निरूपण विधि
  3. बालारिष्टविचार

सप्ताह पांच

  1. आयुर्दायनिरूपणविधि
  2. दशान्तर्दशाज्ञानविधि एवं संज्ञायें
  3. दशान्तर्दशा फल निरूपण

सप्ताह छह

  1. अष्टकर्वपरिज्ञानविधि
  2. कर्माजीविका चिन्तन एवं राजयोग विचार
  3. विशिष्ट राजयोग लक्षण विचार

सप्ताह सात

  1. नाभस योग परिज्ञान
  2. नाभसयोगजन्य शुभाशुभफलविचार
  3. चन्द्रयोगविचार

सप्ताह आठ

  1. द्विग्रहयोग एवं प्रव्रज्यायोगाध्याय
  2. ऋक्षशीलाध्याय
  3. चन्द्र राशिशीलाध्याय

सप्ताह नौ

  1. ग्रहराशिशीलाध्याय
  2. दृष्टिफलाध्याय
  3. भावफलाध्याय

सप्ताह दस

  1. आश्रययोगविचार
  2. कारक विचार एवं अनिष्ट चिन्तन
  3. अनिष्ट विवेचन

सप्ताह ग्यारह

  1. स्त्रीजातक स्वभाव विचार
  2. पति सुखासुखविचार
  3. नैर्याणिक

सप्ताह बारह

  1. नष्ट जातक विचार
  2.  द्रेष्काण विचार

सप्ताह तेरह

  1. द्रेष्काणफल तुला के तृतीय द्रेष्काण से मीनान्त तक
  2. उपसंहार विवेचन

सप्ताह चौदह

  1. बृहज्ज्जातक का अन्य होरा ग्रन्थों से तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
  2. बृहज्जातक की वैज्ञानिकता

सप्ताह पंद्रह
  1. बृहज्जातक का वैशिष्ट्य

Books and references

Brihajjatakam (बृहज्जातकम) is written by acharya Barahmihira

Instructor bio

Dr. SHATRUGHNA TRIPATHI Associate Professor, Department of Jyotish, Faculty of SVDV, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi -221 005 Mob. No.  9452186560
Current Research Activities:- Development of a novel software based on Suryasidhanta system which will calculate planetary positions with better precision. This work is being done in collaboration with IIT, BHU. 1 . Project Title:  MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT FOR DETERMINING PLANETARY POSITIONS BASED ON SURYASIDHANTA
Research Projects  1. E-Content Devlopment For Post Graduate (Jyotish Ganit) Subjects Under E-Pathshala UGC, New Delhi 2. Management of heart disease using principles of Jyotish shastra  UGC, New Delhi
3. Development of technical dictionary of Jyotish Shastra UGC, New Delhi 
4. Diagnosis and treatment of Asthma in Jyotish Shastra UGC, New Delhi Involved in teaching of graduate and postgraduate courses from 12 years.
Special Achievement and Awards 1. Badarayan Vyas President Award for young scholars for outstanding interdisciplinary research (2012). 2. Vishesh purskaar in book awarded by U.P. Sanskrit academy lucknow U.P.  3. JRF and SRF awarded by University Grant Commission, New  Delhi  (1999-2003) 4. Stood first in All India Shastrarth organized  by Faculty of SVDV, BHU, Varanasi (1998) List of Publications Research Papers 50 Review Articles 15 Books 06 Book Chapter 15 Book Editor  02 Magazine Editor  03 News presentation about subject in TV channel  - Total No. of Publications 90
Papers Presented in Conference  1. Paper (Oral) – International  = 21 2. Paper (Oral) – National  = 74 3. Brain storming session = 15 4. Shastrarth  = 20
Administrative Experience  1. Course Coordinator of Jyotish and Vastu shastra (2012 - till date).  2. Program officer of National Service Scheme, BHU (2010-2013). 3. P.I. of E-content development project "Jotish Ganit".

Course certificate

30 Marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for external proctored examination

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